Represents a collection of a set of key and value pairs. Each key in the HashMap must be unique, the same key cannot exist twice. Access to items is provided via the key only. Sample usage:
var map = new Ext.util.HashMap();
map.add('key1', 1);
map.add('key2', 2);
map.add('key3', 3);
map.each(function(key, value, length){
console.log(key, value, length);
The HashMap is an unordered class, there is no guarantee when iterating over the items that they will be in any particular order. If this is required, then use a Ext.util.MixedCollection.
A function that is used to retrieve a default key for a passed object. A default is provided that returns the id property on the object. This function is only used if the add method is called with a single argument.
Adds an item to the collection. Fires the add event when complete.
Adds an item to the collection. Fires the add event when complete.
The key to associate with the item, or the new item.
If a getKey implementation was specified for this HashMap, or if the key of the stored items is in a property called id, the HashMap will be able to derive the key for the new item. In this case just pass the new item in this parameter.
The item to add.
The item added.
Removes all items from the hash.
Removes all items from the hash.
Performs a shallow copy on this hash.
Performs a shallow copy on this hash.
The new hash object.
Checks whether a value exists in the hash.
Checks whether a value exists in the hash.
The value to check for.
True if the value exists in the dictionary.
Checks whether a key exists in the hash.
Checks whether a key exists in the hash.
The key to check for.
True if they key exists in the hash.
Executes the specified function once for each item in the hash. Returning false from the function will cease iteration.
The paramaters passed to the function are:
The key of the item
The value of the item
The total number of items in the hash
The function to execute.
The scope to execute in. Defaults to this.
Retrieves an item with a particular key.
Retrieves an item with a particular key.
The key to lookup.
The value at that key. If it doesn't exist, undefined is returned.
Gets the number of items in the hash.
Gets the number of items in the hash.
The number of items in the hash.
Return all of the keys in the hash.
Return all of the keys in the hash.
An array of keys.
Return all of the values in the hash.
Return all of the values in the hash.
An array of values.
Remove an item from the hash.
Remove an item from the hash.
The value of the item to remove.
True if the item was successfully removed.
Remove an item from the hash.
Remove an item from the hash.
The key to remove.
True if the item was successfully removed.
Fires when a new item is added to the hash
Fires when a new item is added to the hash
The key of the added item.
The value of the added item.
Fires when an item is removed from the hash.
Fires when an item is removed from the hash.
The key of the removed item.
The value of the removed item.