Abstract base class for state provider implementations. The provider is responsible for setting values and extracting values to/from the underlying storage source. The storage source can vary and the details should be implemented in a subclass. For example a provider could use a server side database or the browser localstorage where supported.
This class provides methods for encoding and decoding typed variables including dates and defines the Provider interface. By default these methods put the value and the type information into a delimited string that can be stored. These should be overridden in a subclass if you want to change the format of the encoded value and subsequent decoding.
A config object containing one or more event handlers to be added to this object during initialization. This should be a valid listeners config object as specified in the addListener example for attaching multiple handlers at once.
DOM events from ExtJs Components
While some ExtJs Component classes export selected DOM events (e.g. "click", "mouseover" etc), this
is usually only done when extra value can be added. For example the DataView's
event passing the node clicked on. To access DOM
events directly from a child element of a Component, we need to specify the element
option to
identify the Component property to add a DOM listener to:
new Ext.panel.Panel({
width: 400,
height: 200,
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar'
listeners: {
click: {
element: 'el', //bind to the underlying el property on the panel
fn: function(){ console.log('click el'); }
dblclick: {
element: 'body', //bind to the underlying body property on the panel
fn: function(){ console.log('dblclick body'); }
Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
Adds the specified events to the list of events which this Observable may fire.
Either an object with event names as properties with a value of true
or the first event name string if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters.
[additional] Optional additional event names if multiple event names are being passed as separate parameters. Usage:
this.addEvents('storeloaded', 'storecleared');
Appends an event handler to this object.
Appends an event handler to this object.
The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names. See
The method the event invokes.
(optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed.
If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.
(optional) An object containing handler configuration. properties. This may contain any of the following properties:
reference) in which the handler function is executed.
If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.This option is useful during Component construction to add DOM event listeners to elements of Components which will exist only after the Component is rendered. For example, to add a click listener to a Panel's body:
new Ext.panel.Panel({
title: 'The title',
listeners: {
click: this.handlePanelClick,
element: 'body'
When added in this way, the options available are the options applicable to Ext.core.Element.addListener
Combining Options
Using the options argument, it is possible to combine different types of listeners:
A delayed, one-time listener.
myPanel.on('hide', this.handleClick, this, {
single: true,
delay: 100
Attaching multiple handlers in 1 call
The method also allows for a single argument to be passed which is a config object containing properties
which specify multiple events. For example:
cellClick: this.onCellClick,
mouseover: this.onMouseOver,
mouseout: this.onMouseOut,
scope: this // Important. Ensure "this" is correct during handler execution
Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.
Adds listeners to any Observable object (or Element) which are automatically removed when this Component is destroyed.
The item to which to add a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
Optional. If the ename
parameter was an event name, this
is the handler function.
Optional. If the ename
parameter was an event name, this
is the scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed.
Optional. If the ename
parameter was an event name, this
is the addListener options.
Starts capture on the specified Observable. All events will be passed to the supplied function with the event name + standard signature of the event before the event is fired. If the supplied function returns false, the event will not fire.
The Observable to capture events from.
The function to call when an event is fired.
(optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the function is executed. Defaults to the Observable firing the event.
Clears a value from the state
Clears a value from the state
The key name
Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners
Removes all listeners for this object including the managed listeners
Removes all managed listeners for this object.
Removes all managed listeners for this object.
Decodes a string previously encoded with encodeValue.
Decodes a string previously encoded with encodeValue.
The value to decode
The decoded value
Enables events fired by this Observable to bubble up an owner hierarchy by calling
if present. There is no implementation in the Observable base class.
This is commonly used by Ext.Components to bubble events to owner Containers. See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget. The default implementation in Ext.Component returns the Component's immediate owner. But if a known target is required, this can be overridden to access the required target more quickly.
Ext.override(Ext.form.field.Base, {
// Add functionality to Field's initComponent to enable the change event to bubble
initComponent : Ext.Function.createSequence(Ext.form.field.Base.prototype.initComponent, function() {
// We know that we want Field's events to bubble directly to the FormPanel.
getBubbleTarget : function() {
if (!this.formPanel) {
this.formPanel = this.findParentByType('form');
return this.formPanel;
var myForm = new Ext.formPanel({
title: 'User Details',
items: [{
listeners: {
change: function() {
// Title goes red if form has been modified.
myForm.header.setStyle('color', 'red');
The event name to bubble, or an Array of event names.
Encodes a value including type information. Decode with decodeValue.
Encodes a value including type information. Decode with decodeValue.
The value to encode
The encoded value
Fires the specified event with the passed parameters (minus the event name).
An event may be set to bubble up an Observable parent hierarchy (See Ext.Component.getBubbleTarget) by calling enableBubble.
The name of the event to fire.
Variable number of parameters are passed to handlers.
returns false if any of the handlers return false otherwise it returns true.
Returns the current value for a key
Returns the current value for a key
The key name
A default value to return if the key's value is not found
The state data
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event
Checks to see if this object has any listeners for a specified event
The name of the event to check for
True if the event is being listened for, else false
Sets observability on the passed class constructor.
This makes any event fired on any instance of the passed class also fire a single event through the class allowing for central handling of events on many instances at once.
Ext.data.Connection.on('beforerequest', function(con, options) {
console.log('Ajax request made to ' + options.url);
The class constructor to make observable.
An object containing a series of listeners to add. See addListener.
Appends an event handler to this object (shorthand for addListener.)
Appends an event handler to this object (shorthand for addListener.)
The type of event to listen for
The method the event invokes
(optional) The scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed.
If omitted, defaults to the object which fired the event.
(optional) An object containing handler configuration.
Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this
Relays selected events from the specified Observable as if the events were fired by this
The Observable whose events this object is to relay.
Array of event names to relay.
Removes all added captures from the Observable.
Removes all added captures from the Observable.
The Observable to release
Removes an event handler.
Removes an event handler.
The type of event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.
(optional) The scope originally specified for the handler.
Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.
Removes listeners that were added by the mon method.
The item from which to remove a listener/listeners.
The event name, or an object containing event name properties.
Optional. If the ename
parameter was an event name, this
is the handler function.
Optional. If the ename
parameter was an event name, this
is the scope (this
reference) in which the handler function is executed.
Resume firing events. (see suspendEvents)
If events were suspended using the queueSuspended
parameter, then all
events fired during event suspension will be sent to any listeners now.
Sets the value for a key
Sets the value for a key
The key name
The value to set
Suspend the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)
Suspend the firing of all events. (see resumeEvents)
Pass as true to queue up suspended events to be fired after the resumeEvents call instead of discarding all suspended events;
Removes an event handler (shorthand for removeListener.)
Removes an event handler (shorthand for removeListener.)
The type of event the handler was associated with.
The handler to remove. This must be a reference to the function passed into the addListener call.
(optional) The scope originally specified for the handler.