Provides automatic scrolling of overflow regions in the page during drag operations.
The ScrollManager configs will be used as the defaults for any scroll container registered with it, but you can also override most of the configs per scroll container by adding a ddScrollConfig object to the target element that contains these properties: hthresh, vthresh, increment and frequency. Example usage:
var el = Ext.get('scroll-ct');
el.ddScrollConfig = {
vthresh: 50,
hthresh: -1,
frequency: 100,
increment: 200
Note: This class uses "Point Mode" and is untested in "Intersect Mode".
The animation duration in seconds - MUST BE less than Ext.dd.ScrollManager.frequency! (defaults to .4)
The animation duration in seconds - MUST BE less than Ext.dd.ScrollManager.frequency! (defaults to .4)
The named drag drop group to which this container belongs (defaults to undefined). If a ddGroup is specified, then container scrolling will only occur when a dragged object is in the same ddGroup.
The frequency of scrolls in milliseconds (defaults to 500)
The frequency of scrolls in milliseconds (defaults to 500)
The number of pixels from the right or left edge of a container the pointer needs to be to trigger scrolling (defaults to 25)
The number of pixels to scroll in each scroll increment (defaults to 100)
The number of pixels to scroll in each scroll increment (defaults to 100)
Registers new overflow element(s) to auto scroll
Registers new overflow element(s) to auto scroll
The id of or the element to be scrolled or an array of either