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Simple wrapper class that represents a set of records returned by a Proxy.

Defined By

Config Options

Other Configs


The number of records in this ResultSet. Note that total may differ from this number

The number of records in this ResultSet. Note that total may differ from this number


True if the records have already been loaded. This is only meaningful when dealing with SQL-backed proxies

True if the records have already been loaded. This is only meaningful when dealing with SQL-backed proxies


The array of record instances. Required

The array of record instances. Required


True if the ResultSet loaded successfully, false if any errors were encountered

True if the ResultSet loaded successfully, false if any errors were encountered


The total number of records reported by the data source. This ResultSet may form a subset of those records (see count)

The total number of records reported by the data source. This ResultSet may form a subset of those records (see count)

Defined By



DEPRECATED - will be removed in Ext JS 5.0. This is just a copy of - use that instead

DEPRECATED - will be removed in Ext JS 5.0. This is just a copy of - use that instead

Defined By



Creates the new ResultSet

Creates the new ResultSet


  • void