/** * @class Ext.app.Application * @constructor * * Represents an Ext JS 4 application, which is typically a single page app using a {@link Ext.container.Viewport Viewport}. * A typical Ext.app.Application might look like this: * * Ext.application({ name: 'MyApp', launch: function() { Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', { items: { html: 'My App' } }); } }); * * This does several things. First it creates a global variable called 'MyApp' - all of your Application's classes (such * as its Models, Views and Controllers) will reside under this single namespace, which drastically lowers the chances * of colliding global variables. * * When the page is ready and all of your JavaScript has loaded, your Application's {@link #launch} function is called, * at which time you can run the code that starts your app. Usually this consists of creating a Viewport, as we do in * the example above. * * <u>Telling Application about the rest of the app</u> * * Because an Ext.app.Application represents an entire app, we should tell it about the other parts of the app - namely * the Models, Views and Controllers that are bundled with the application. Let's say we have a blog management app; we * might have Models and Controllers for Posts and Comments, and Views for listing, adding and editing Posts and Comments. * Here's how we'd tell our Application about all these things: * * Ext.application({ name: 'Blog', models: ['Post', 'Comment'], controllers: ['Posts', 'Comments'], launch: function() { ... } }); * * Note that we didn't actually list the Views directly in the Application itself. This is because Views are managed by * Controllers, so it makes sense to keep those dependencies there. The Application will load each of the specified * Controllers using the pathing conventions laid out in the <a href="../guide/application_architecture">application * architecture guide</a> - in this case expecting the controllers to reside in app/controller/Posts.js and * app/controller/Comments.js. In turn, each Controller simply needs to list the Views it uses and they will be * automatically loaded. Here's how our Posts controller like be defined: * * Ext.define('MyApp.controller.Posts', { extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', views: ['posts.List', 'posts.Edit'], //the rest of the Controller here }); * * Because we told our Application about our Models and Controllers, and our Controllers about their Views, Ext JS will * automatically load all of our app files for us. This means we don't have to manually add script tags into our html * files whenever we add a new class, but more importantly it enables us to create a minimized build of our entire * application using the Ext JS 4 SDK Tools. * * For more information about writing Ext JS 4 applications, please see the <a href="../guide/application_architecture"> * application architecture guide</a>. * * @markdown * @docauthor Ed Spencer */ Ext.define('Ext.app.Application', { extend: 'Ext.app.Controller', requires: [ 'Ext.ModelManager', 'Ext.data.Model', 'Ext.data.StoreManager', 'Ext.tip.QuickTipManager', 'Ext.ComponentManager', 'Ext.app.EventBus' ], /** * @cfg {Object} name The name of your application. This will also be the namespace for your views, controllers * models and stores. Don't use spaces or special characters in the name. */ /** * @cfg {Object} scope The scope to execute the {@link #launch} function in. Defaults to the Application * instance. */ scope: undefined, /** * @cfg {Boolean} enableQuickTips True to automatically set up Ext.tip.QuickTip support (defaults to true) */ enableQuickTips: true, /** * @cfg {String} defaultUrl When the app is first loaded, this url will be redirected to. Defaults to undefined */ /** * @cfg {String} appFolder The path to the directory which contains all application's classes. * This path will be registered via {@link Ext.Loader#setPath} for the namespace specified in the {@link #name name} config. * Defaults to 'app' */ appFolder: 'app', /** * @cfg {Boolean} autoCreateViewport Automatically loads and instantiates AppName.view.Viewport before firing the launch function. */ autoCreateViewport: true, constructor: function(config) { config = config || {}; Ext.apply(this, config); var requires = config.requires || []; Ext.Loader.setPath(this.name, this.appFolder); if (this.paths) { Ext.Object.each(this.paths, function(key, value) { Ext.Loader.setPath(key, value); }); } this.callParent(arguments); this.eventbus = Ext.create('Ext.app.EventBus'); var controllers = this.controllers, ln = controllers.length, i, controller; this.controllers = Ext.create('Ext.util.MixedCollection'); if (this.autoCreateViewport) { requires.push(this.getModuleClassName('Viewport', 'view')); } for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { requires.push(this.getModuleClassName(controllers[i], 'controller')); } Ext.require(requires); Ext.onReady(function() { for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) { controller = this.getController(controllers[i]); controller.init(this); } this.onBeforeLaunch.call(this); }, this); }, control: function(selectors, listeners, controller) { this.eventbus.control(selectors, listeners, controller); }, /** * Called automatically when the page has completely loaded. This is an empty function that should be * overridden by each application that needs to take action on page load * @property launch * @type Function * @param {String} profile The detected {@link #profiles application profile} * @return {Boolean} By default, the Application will dispatch to the configured startup controller and * action immediately after running the launch function. Return false to prevent this behavior. */ launch: Ext.emptyFn, /** * @private */ onBeforeLaunch: function() { if (this.enableQuickTips) { Ext.tip.QuickTipManager.init(); } if (this.autoCreateViewport) { this.getView('Viewport').create(); } this.launch.call(this.scope || this); this.launched = true; this.fireEvent('launch', this); this.controllers.each(function(controller) { controller.onLaunch(this); }, this); }, getModuleClassName: function(name, type) { var namespace = Ext.Loader.getPrefix(name); if (namespace.length > 0 && namespace !== name) { return name; } return this.name + '.' + type + '.' + name; }, getController: function(name) { var controller = this.controllers.get(name); if (!controller) { controller = Ext.create(this.getModuleClassName(name, 'controller'), { application: this, id: name }); this.controllers.add(controller); } return controller; }, getStore: function(name) { var store = Ext.StoreManager.get(name); if (!store) { store = Ext.create(this.getModuleClassName(name, 'store'), { storeId: name }); } return store; }, getModel: function(model) { model = this.getModuleClassName(model, 'model'); return Ext.ModelManager.getModel(model); }, getView: function(view) { view = this.getModuleClassName(view, 'view'); return Ext.ClassManager.get(view); } });