
 * @class Ext.LoadMask
 * A simple utility class for generically masking elements while loading data.  If the element being masked has
 * an underlying {@link Ext.data.Store}, the masking will be automatically synchronized with the store's loading
 * process and the mask element will be cached for reuse.  For all other elements, this mask will replace the
 * element's UpdateManager load indicator and will be destroyed after the initial load.
 * @constructor
 * Create a new LoadMask
 * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element} el The element or DOM node, or its id
 * @param {Object} config The config object
Ext.LoadMask = function(el, config){
    this.el = Ext.get(el);
    Ext.apply(this, config);
        this.store.on('beforeload', this.onBeforeLoad, this);
        this.store.on('load', this.onLoad, this);
        this.store.on('loadexception', this.onLoad, this);
        this.removeMask = false;
        var um = this.el.getUpdateManager();
        um.showLoadIndicator = false; // disable the default indicator
        um.on('beforeupdate', this.onBeforeLoad, this);
        um.on('update', this.onLoad, this);
        um.on('failure', this.onLoad, this);
        this.removeMask = true;

Ext.LoadMask.prototype = {
     * @cfg {Boolean} removeMask
     * True to create a single-use mask that is automatically destroyed after loading (useful for page loads),
     * False to persist the mask element reference for multiple uses (e.g., for paged data widgets).  Defaults to false.
// holder
     * @cfg {String} msg
     * The text to display in a centered loading message box (defaults to 'Loading...')
    msg : 'Loading...',
     * @cfg {String} msgCls
     * The CSS class to apply to the loading message element (defaults to "x-mask-loading")
    msgCls : 'x-mask-loading',

     * Read-only. True if the mask is currently disabled so that it will not be displayed (defaults to false)
     * @type Boolean
    disabled: false,

     * Disables the mask to prevent it from being displayed
    disable : function(){
       this.disabled = true;

     * Enables the mask so that it can be displayed
    enable : function(){
        this.disabled = false;

    // private
    onLoad : function(){

    // private
    onBeforeLoad : function(){
            this.el.mask(this.msg, this.msgCls);

    // private
    destroy : function(){
            this.store.un('beforeload', this.onBeforeLoad, this);
            this.store.un('load', this.onLoad, this);
            this.store.un('loadexception', this.onLoad, this);
            var um = this.el.getUpdateManager();
            um.un('beforeupdate', this.onBeforeLoad, this);
            um.un('update', this.onLoad, this);
            um.un('failure', this.onLoad, this);

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